That left a small window of time for me to fit in a workout of the day! I opted for the circuit type again, on my own this time, in my very spacious room- 2 circuits, 3 times through, 30 seconds each exercise, 10 seconds between each- trying to push myself without my workout partners, who were attending to their track jobs!
Circuit 1
-side planks
-squat jumps
-ham bridge
-lunge stretch
Circuit 2
-plank lifts
-crunch obliques
-cross over lunge
-squat jumps
It was enough to get my heart rate high, get a goood sweat on and actually get my legs to shake a little bit!!Then at the track later on- our women's team pursuit hit the qualifying rounds and finished in their top 8 showing consistency at the World Cup Level. The first 2 kilos they were on pace for breaking the world record! I am excited to see the progress these girls make before the Olympics!
Not sure what tomorrow brings as we have a fairly long day at the track, and Michelle and I are being sent on a grocery shopping adventure and then a few events on the track in the afternoon- should be exciting: men's omnium, mens team sprint and women's scratch race!
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