A blog about my adventures as an athlete, adventures with athletes and just adventures!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today was the day the racing started- so I usually have way less time- preparation treatments, recovery treatments and looooong days at the track doing part deux of my job with the National Team. Part deux entails taking care of the athletes, doing any last minute tweaks that are necessary, but also making sure they are always comfortable, water, food, ice, etc. Going up to the start line and standing by during the race- it's really quite the exciting experience!

That left a small window of time for me to fit in a workout of the day! I opted for the circuit type again, on my own this time, in my very spacious room- 2 circuits, 3 times through, 30 seconds each exercise, 10 seconds between each- trying to push myself without my workout partners, who were attending to their track jobs!
Circuit 1
-side planks
-squat jumps
-ham bridge
-lunge stretch

Circuit 2
-plank lifts
-crunch obliques
-cross over lunge
-squat jumps
It was enough to get my heart rate high, get a goood sweat on and actually get my legs to shake a little bit!!

Then at the track later on- our women's team pursuit hit the qualifying rounds and finished in their top 8 showing consistency at the World Cup Level. The first 2 kilos they were on pace for breaking the world record! I am excited to see the progress these girls make before the Olympics!

Not sure what tomorrow brings as we have a fairly long day at the track, and Michelle and I are being sent on a grocery shopping adventure and then a few events on the track in the afternoon- should be exciting: men's omnium, mens team sprint and women's scratch race!

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